Mike Pence: Pat Robertson Legacy “Will Impact Generations of Americans”
10:56 PM
Mike Pence: Pat Robertson Legacy “Will Impact Generations of Americans” https://ift.tt/l3I2vEW As former Vice President Mike Pence begins his run for the presidency in the 2024 campaign at traditional stops such as Maryanne’s Diner in Derry, New Hampshire, he took time to sit down with CBN News to talk about something near and dear to his heart: the legacy of Pat Robertson. “Pat Robertson was a man whose faith and his commitment to American ideals will impact generations of Americans,” Pence told CBN News. “His testimony for Christ and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, not just around America, but around the world, is literally changing lives. In our interview, the former vice president reveals the impact Pat made on his life. “I felt drawn to Christian Broadcasting because I made a decision as a college student to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, and I got a copy of Shout it from the Housetops, and I couldn't put it down,” Pence said.